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- @001 Please state the name of the first party:
- @002 Please state the name of the second party:
- #2100/#2101 The parties:
- Are presently residing together
- Will reside together in the future
- #if#2100
- @200 The parties have resided together since:
- #endif
- #2102
- #2103 Have parties fully disclosed their assets and debts?
- #2104 Have parties have an opportunity to seek counsel?
- #2105
- #2106 Will parties keep separate checkbooks?
- #2107 Will parties waive claims to palimony?
- #2108 Will the parties POSSIBLY JOINTLY ACQUIRE assets?
- #2109 Will the parties waive claims to each other's estate?
- #2110
- #2111 Do parties desire to state shares of living expenses?
- #if#2111
- @210/@210/@210/@210 First party will contribute what part of expenses?
- 33%
- 50%
- 66%
- @211/@211/@211/@211 Second party will contribute what part of expenses?
- 33%
- 50%
- 66%
- #endif
- #2112
- #end control section
- #2100
- /* Para. 2100: Non-marital agreement- Header Already living */
- WHEREAS, @001, and @002, are presently residing together and
- have been doing so since @200;
- #2101
- /* Para. 2101: Non-marital agreement- header not shacking up */
- WHEREAS, @001 and @002, intend to reside together in the
- future;
- #2102
- /* Para. 2102: Middle for all */
- and, WHEREAS, they desire to affix their respective rights
- and liabilities that may result from this joint residency;
- #2103
- /* Para. 2103: Disclosure */
- and, WHEREAS, they have fully and completely disclosed to one
- another their current financial status including assets and
- liabilities;
- #2104
- /* Para. 2104: Counsel */
- and, WHEREAS, they each have had an opportunity to consult
- with separate counsel of their own choice or such other advisor
- as each independently wishes to consult;
- #2105
- /* Para. 2105: Middle */
- they now agree:
- #2106
- /* Para. 2106: Separate checkbooks */
- Each party shall maintain separate banking accounts, and neither
- party shall have the right to the proceeds of or access to the
- same.
- #2107
- /* Para. 2107: Waive claims to "palimony" */
- That each party waives any claim to palimony or other claim for
- support resulting from said joint residency.
- That when they reside together, and by such action in no way are
- they to be considered as married by the common law or otherwise
- shall they occupy the status of being married.
- #2108
- /* Para. 2108: Jointly acquired assets */
- That should they purchase assets in joint names, the same shall
- be considered as held in tenancy in common. Each party shall
- contribute from their own income and resources one-half of the
- upkeep, taxes, and other fees or charges on such property. In
- the event that one party fails to pay as agreed, and such the
- other party contribute in excess of one-half, the excess
- contribution shall be chargeable to the proceeds if any upon
- resale of the property, and such excess contribution shall
- bear interest at the legal rate of interest then in effect.
- #2109
- /* Para. 2109: Waive right to share in estates */
- The parties hereto waive any claim against the estate of the
- other party, save and except:
- Any excess contribution to jointly acquired assets;
- Any promissory notes executed by one party to the other;
- Any judgment entered in the favor of one party against the
- other;
- provided however, that should either party voluntarily and freely
- make a devise or other bequest to the other in their will, the
- recipient shall be entitled to the same.
- Further this relationship was not premised upon or created by the
- promise of a devise or bequest from their estate.
- #2110
- /* Para. 2110: Joint names only */
- Other than property purchased in the parties joint names each
- party waives any claim to assets acquired by the other party
- before, during or after this period of co-habitation.
- Other than debts validly contracted for services or materials or
- otherwise related to joint property of the parties, if any,
- neither party shall have the right to obligate, act for, contract
- for or represent the other party.
- #2111
- /* Para. 2111: Living expenses */
- The parties shall apportion the necessary and jointly agreed
- living expenses as follows:
- @001 shall contribute @210 per cent
- @002 shall contribute @211 per cent
- Should either party be temporarily unable to contribute, the sums
- may be advanced. However, after advances totaling $ 1,000 the
- same will be considered to be gifts and any obligation to adjust
- accounts shall cease unless a promissory note is executed
- therefor.
- #2112
- /* Para. 2111: Closer */
- This is the full agreement of the parties and there are
- no agreements other than those stated herein. This agreement
- shall only be modified by a writing executed by both
- parties hereto.
- DATED: ____________________________
- ___________________________________________
- @001
- ___________________________________________
- @002